Boost Your Productivity with Copilot’s Latest Features in Microsoft Teams

Boost Your Productivity with Copilot's Latest Features in Microsoft Teams

If you’re focused on boosting your team’s productivity, you’ll appreciate the new enhancements in Microsoft Teams with Copilot. During a meeting, Copilot can transcribe and summarise your conversations in real-time, capturing all the valuable insights even when ideas are flying around and you can’t keep up with the notes.


The possibilities don’t end there. Have you ever wanted to undo a chat message and rewrite your response? Microsoft Copilot can assist with that as well. It is capable of generating a new message suggestion directly in the chat, potentially saving you time and mental energy.


Copilot’s call recap feature can be useful for regular phone calls. Subscribers to Teams Premium will appreciate the convenient recaps provided. It’s akin to having the personal assistant you’ve always dreamed of (although you’ll still need to brew your own coffee).


Microsoft has also introduced IntelliFrame as the standard option for video calls. This feature utilises AI to recognise each participant’s video feed, ensuring everyone gets equal attention during Teams Rooms calls. Say goodbye to awkwardly cut-off faces and vanishing attendees.


With smoother collaboration, more productive meetings, and Hollywood-like video calls, who wouldn’t be excited about this upgrade from Microsoft Copilot?


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